The common law admission test (CLAT) will be held twice a year in 2022. The decision was taken by the Consortium of National Law Universities in a meeting held at Nalsar in the city on 14 Nov 2021.
This will be the first time that the exam will be held twice a year. “The CLAT-2022 will be held on May 8, 2022. The consortium has resolved that CLAT-2023 will be held on December 18, 2022. Hence, in 2022 two CLAT examinations will be held in one year,” read a press release issued by the consortium.
How to start preparation if you haven’t started yet.

The author is a first-year law student at National Law University Odisha. He holds an AIR 990 General category in CLAT 2021. He has founded LAWOGS and is currently mentoring 200+ CLAT aspirants free of cost. Join his telegram group.
” CLAT focuses on your reading and comprehending skills, if you are conscious about your target and have basic reading skills you can easily ace CLAT in the remaining months.”
- The English section may consist of passages approximately 450 words.
- English passages must be solved in this way
First two lines of the passage will give you a topic about which passage is trying to elaborate.
The first paragraph will give you an idea about what the author is trying to establish
The next paragraph will contain some more details about to idea or sometimes the final idea will be at the last.
- To divide the passage as above mentioned one is advised to practice a lot more than they are doing now.
- Sources for building good comprehension: The Hindu open page, Indian express explained. Novels like president is missing, A people’s constitution, Sherlock Holmes.
- Give at least 3 sectional tests a week.
- The section may consist of approximately 450 words passages
- In legal Section the approach for the passage must be to find the rules which are mentioned in the passage. Just for example there is a passage on section 124A, neglect the information which doesn’t bear an impact on your questions and just try to find the rule that is 124A sedition is an offense i.e is to incite a revolution against govt.
- After reading the passage read questions very carefully and then decide what must be the answer, then only move towards the options.
- Sources for Legal section. Livelaw, Indian express, Bar and bench
- Give at least 4 sectional tests a week.
Critical Reasoning
- The section may consist of 300 words passages.
- The CR section IS THE MOST EASY SECTION TO TACKLE, identify the topic about author is talking and what is the opinion of the author on that topic is the main idea. Example. iPhones are a huge hit in the market(Topic), iPhones are overrated with no substantial reason, whereas Samsung has brought innovative designs it must lead the market(Main idea)
- After reading passage you must be clear on what main idea is and what supporting details are.
- Sources for CR section, The Hindu Open page, Arun Sharma, CR by Anne Thompson. Gmat club .com
- Give at least 3 sectional tests per week.
This was all about how to prepare various sections. I have written a whole summary of my 14 months of preparation for clat.