The First Year is Synonymous with Haunt Year.
Jumped into a law school? Welcome then…, In the very first month we all are excited to meet new people and friends in law school, we are so engrossed to make our presence to be felt in the batch groups. We often miss the ongoing orientation sessions, what to do, and how to do sessions. Then, we suddenly feel that while we were busy sharing memes in our groups someone started mooting, writing research papers, building start-ups, and ADR competitions.
- The FOMO
Stands for Fear of Missing Out, this makes you either the best or the worst in college. If you are going to use your fear in a constructive way you will definitely make your lives more productive.
- The Peer Pressure & The Appreciation Gathering Syndrome.
This is very common in law schools because everyday you expect appreciation from others, be it in cultural activities, academic achievements or extracurricular competitions.
The Gurus!
Over the internet, you will find self-proclaimed gurus who themselves aren’t able to contain their messes advise you to do this or that in the cloak of “students from top university”. You start doubting yourself, and this creates more and more problems for you.
Uncertainty Hovers!
We all are explorers, coming from different family backgrounds and distinct educational fields, we don’t know a minuscule of what law is as a degree. This uncertainty either drives you towards curiosity or frustration with your field. You need something which is authoritative and will help you in better decision-making. As rules and law are not specific rather, they are general, the answer to your questions is also general.
Why I chose Law School Kit by Success Boat
To be honest, I saw its founder Mr. Prakhar Mishra as my role model and the epitome of perfection. As a first-year student, I wanted to do something which will change everything for me from the very first day and Prakhar Sir’s presence made me more confident. Since, I am very clear that his hard work, determination and above all his sacrifices made him what he is today I bought it!
My Treasure Trove
When I got Law School Kit’s access, it was very organized. I watched a few videos from the seniors who have a distinction in that field. Now you would ponder – Why law school kit? Isn’t it that easy to find those seniors out and talk to them? Okay, no offense but everyone has their own time and commitments, and especially in law school you cant choose to be available every time. A senior could guide one, two or three students at a time, and then if everyone starts coming to him every day just think about his frustration! Here comes the law school kit. Once recorded, can be used anytime and every time when you tend to forget the basics!!!
The modules are very helpful and you can refer to them again and again, also Successboat conducts live interviews with eminent personalities who can guide law students. Last but not least the product is novel in itself and is a one-stop solution to your all problems which you will face in your first year.
And the best part of it is after purchasing the Law School Kit you have its founder’s WhatsApp number which will be difficult for you to source when he becomes India’s emerging entrepreneur in legal field which I am sure he is going to do!!!
Purchase Link: Law School Kit (2022) (courses.store)
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